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The book is structured into three main sections with several chapters each, reflecting the authors' individual, real-life experiences. It explores ways to improve oncology education and scientific training, how to set up and run a clinical research facility ethically and efficiently in low- and middle-income settings, addressing the challenges that the workforce encounters in the real world. The main challenges of today’s oncologists seem to be the ever-growing patient care and administrative workload and the risk of burn-out. What are the best strategies to maintain a healthy work-life for the benefit of the patients, the physicians and society, taking into account the different needs, depending on factors like peace, social and gender equality? This book addresses oncologists all over the world and their allies throughout the associated industries to highlight the importance of shared and sustainable education, clinical research and global cancer care.
Improving Education: A Global Perspective
Blended Learning for Oncologists and Their Colleagues
Establishing a Continuing Educational Program Based on the ESMO/ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Egypt and Other Educational Initiatives
Continuing Education for the Young Oncology Workforce in Portugal
Challenges and Outcomes in Launching the First Board-Certified Program in Radiation Oncology in Iraq
Improving the WHO Classification of Tumours by an Evidence-Based Approach: A New Online/Blended Learning Training Program
Clinical Research
Improving Clinical Research
Getting Started in Research: What Registries Can Do for You
Asking Existing Data the Right Questions: Data Mining as a Research Option in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Molecular and Cellular Analyses of Breast Cancers in Real Life
Challenges in Establishing the Clinical Trials Centre at the University of Ulm
Patient Care
Improving Patient Care
Essential Elements in Improving Oncology in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) and Examples for Their Implementation in Nigeria
Obstacles and Optimisation of Oncology Services in India
Integrating Palliative Care into Primary Care: An Educational Project to Meet an Unmet Need
Challenges in Developing Pediatric Cancer Care in Armenia
Quality Oncology Practice Improvement (QOPI) in Brazil: A Successful Knowledge Transfer Under the Auspices of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Challenges in Running a Comprehensive Cancer Center