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Following the success of the popular introductory text,Elementary Food Science(5th edition) coversabroad range of food science topics organized infour parts Part (1)Interrelated food science topics, Part (2)Food safety & sanitation, Part (3)Food preservation and processing and Part (4)Handling & processing of foods. The opening two chapters discuss what food science actually is, the significanceforsociety, and the large contribution of the food industry to jobs and revenue in the USA and globally. Succeeding chapterscover food regulatory agencies, food labels, food quality and sensory evaluation, and consumer food literacy. Part (2)hastwo new chapters explaininghow microbes affect food quality,and alsofoodborne disease outbreaks GMP is described independently and as a prerequisite for HACCP, VACCP andTACCPfood-safety management systems. Part (3) containstwo new chapters dealing with basic aspects of food processing, and the quality of dried foods. Part (4) covershandling and processing major food commodity groups (meat, dairy products, poultry and eggs, fish and shellfish, cereal grains, bakery products, fruits and vegetables, sugar confectionary). A new final chapter coversthe foodservice industry. The text highlights food science links with industry uniquelyusing the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Overall, the book is thoroughly modernized with over 1500 references cited in recognition of thousands of named food scientists and other professionals. The target readership remain unchanged for the current edition, i.e. Students of food science fromsenior high school, colleges or universities. Sections of the book will also appeal toadvanced readers from other disciplines with perhaps little or noprior food science experience. Additionally, readers covering the intersection of food science with culinary arts, foodservices, and nutritionor public health will find the book useful.
Interrelated Food Science Topics
Food Safety and Sanitation
Food Preservation and Processing
Handling and Processing Food