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We know how important it is for you to have the right tool when you need it. If you're a team leader or facilitator in a manufacturing environment, you've probably been searching a long time for a collection of implementation tools tailored specifically to your needs. Well, look no further. Based on the same principles used to develop Tool Navigator's Master Guide for Teams, here is a group of 40 dynamic tools to help you and your teams implement powerful manufacturing process improvement. This essential resource allows you and your teams to start and complete almost any manufacturing task. The book includes plenty of graphics, charts, illustrations and indexes to help you navigate your way through a problem solving process. In addition, the author gives you relevant background information and an overview of a tool's usage to assist your teams in the proper selection, sequencing, and application of major tools such as JIT, TPM, Process Mapping and Cycle Time Management. To help you and your teams select just the right tool for your problem solving or manufacturing process improvement activities, we've sorted and arranged them into four stages. The real power of this book is that if you use the tools, working your way through the stages, the end result is Customer Satisfaction! The four stages are: process cycle time variability and problem solving.
Navigator Tools for the Manufacturing Process
Navigator Tools for Cycle Time
Navigator Tools for Variability
Navigator Tools for Problem Solving