SERIES INFO Genre: Stars: - Series Plot: In this new spinoff series that begins Wednesday, April 13, at 8pm ET/PT, exclusively on Discovery, Tim and Howard travel across the U.S. to rediscover legendary liquors. They also partner up with Tickle to rebuild ancient pot stills and recreate secret mash bills in a bold attempt to taste American spirits that would otherwise be lost to history. They're on a mission to keep American spirits alive.Each week's episode will focus on a single libation — from Benjamin Franklin's liquor in Philly to Franklin Roosevelt's secret moonshine in Georgia. Join Tim, Howard, and Tickle as they learn about the origins of each spirit and its place in the history books.Get ready to take a sip of history!
EPISODE INFO Title: Ben Franklin's Spruce Booze Airdate: 2022-04-27 Episode plot: Tim and Howard trek north to Philadelphia in search of Ben Franklin's 250-year-old recipe for spruce beer prized by George Washington's troops. But when Tim enlists Tickle's help to distill it, they re-discover a spirit that may have been lost to time.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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