SERIES INFO Genre: Stars: - Series Plot: The series follows "Bee Czar" Walter Schumacher and his mission to save the planet through saving honeybees, all without wearing a protective suit — instead, he "communicates" with bees to avoid being stung. Schumacher works with his team at the American Honey Bee Protection Agency to rescue hives from places they're unwanted, like the walls of a house or up a neighborhood tree, and relocate them to sites where they can thrive in peace.Bee Czar will show Schumacher's efforts to rebuild his business from the ground up after losing everything in the COVID-19 pandemic, transforming his family farm into a new headquarters for his work, and training rookie bee wranglers. The series will also feature his oldest son Will, who works to land contracts selling honey to businesses such as restaurants and distilleries.
EPISODE INFO Title: Bee the Tree Airdate: 2022-03-16 Episode plot: To solve his staffing problem, Walter interviews prospective bee wrangler Ramon -- who's terrified of bees. Bee technician Jonathan is in for a surprise when he tackles a huge hive solo, and a family emergency threatens to bring business to a halt.
Included subtitles
Swedish, Norwegian, Bokmal, Danish, Finnish