SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kyle Chandler, Kerry Bishé, Babak Tafti, Jon Bass Series Plot: The Battle For Uber tells the story of one of Silicon Valley's most successful and most destructive unicorns, Uber. The season pivots on Travis Kalanick, Uber's hard-charging CEO who was ultimately ousted in a boardroom coup, and his sometimes tumultuous relationship with his mentor Bill Gurley, the plainspoken, brilliant Texan venture capitalist who bets his sterling reputation on Uber's success - and then has to live with the consequences.
EPISODE INFO Title: Delete Uber Airdate: 2022-04-03 Episode plot: A new development throws a wrench in Travis's confidence, leaving him and the rest of the team scrambling for solutions. When his other allies turn their backs, Travis leans on Emil to restore his faith. The Uber team hires someone big to rein in their toxic culture problem.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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