SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Medical Stars: Sophia Bush, Jason Isaacs, Edwin Hodge, Skye P. Marshall, Michael Stahl-David Series Plot: Good Sam follows a talented yet stifled surgeon who embraces her leadership role after her renowned and pompous boss falls into a coma. When he awakens and wants to resume surgery, however, it falls to her to supervise this overbearing blowhard who never acknowledged her talents — and also happens to be her father.
EPISODE INFO Title: Keep Talking Airdate: 2022-03-23 Episode plot: When Amy Taylor is admitted to the hospital accompanied by her sister, Gretchen, with signs of premature heart disease, Dr. Sam Griffith discovers a deeper medical mystery. Also, Griff anxiously awaits the results of his MRI, hoping to get to the root of his troubling symptoms.
Cheers bud. Thx for the upload. Great series so far
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