| Thank you very much as always TGx & that goes for not just the encoders, but all of the incredible people who give countless hours day & night throughout the week(s), & years for all of us! :)
Can't thank you for enough for releasing "Fresh", for which I thought to be so original in content! :)
The torrent was perfect A/V=10/10 or 5 stars above & the movie was fantastic & bc it's a horror, IMDB rates...usually don't hold high #'s as you would see in Movies that come out for kids, that are Animated for example, & may not even be new or original content! However, the other genre, thrown in Comedy with Horror is usually very difficult to make work well but this movie was one I can count on one hand that was very well done! :) Wow! I have no clue where it will inevitably fall on the IMDB ratings, or where it even started? Would just give it my own rating, and let the chips fall where they may! It's so not worth describing, that I welcome everyone to go in blind on this one, and and just watch it, & be your own judge, like a friend told me to check it out! Definitely don't go off my rating either as you might like it or not! :) M=6.5-7.0 only bc it's a comedy/horror. To judge it based overall in originality & with other movies say in the last couple years in total.. (would add another .5), but can't see it scoring that high, but think many will enjoy this movie, if you do like "Horror" with "Comedy". If your not in the right mood or frame of mind for it, wait until you are! I would say I'm not geared up for a movie like this 24/7! This is not one like Texas Chainsaw or Halloween! :) So, come prepared for a very "exquisite" experience at the movies! :) |