SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Joe Hullait, Jack Docherty, Julie Wilson Nimmo, Louise McCarthy, Jordan Young Series Plot: Scot Squad is a spoof of 'blue light' reality shows like Traffic Cops. Jack Docherty stars as Chief Constable Cameron Miekelson, and the show follows the adventures of the first Unified Scottish Police Force. Scotland has a new band of 'Bravehearts' on the streets, in the countryside, on the phone and behind a desk. Tough, brave, valiant and fearless - protecting and serving the public - on call twenty four hours a day, seven days a week the Scot Squad serve up an arresting mix of crime and comedy. Featuring in-depth interview footage with the Force's first ever Chief Constable Cameron Miekelson as he shares his philosophy on law enforcement and his hopes and dreams for the future. Elsewhere, Volunteer Officer, Ken Beattie buys soup for the homeless and reassures a victim of washing line theft. Whilst city cops, Fletcher and McLaren, break up a domestic dispute as they patrol...
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 2 Airdate: 2022-01-13 Episode plot: Traffic officer Hugh McKirdy gleefully shares his expertise on all things deep-fried as a fast food vlogger records her next online episode.
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