SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Action Crime Stars: Rob Lowe, Jim Parrack, Ronen Rubinstein, Brian Michael, Julian Works Series Plot: 9-1-1: Lone Star follows a sophisticated New York firefighter who, along with his son, relocates to Austin, and must try to balance saving those who are at their most vulnerable with solving the problems in his own life.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Big Chill Airdate: 2022-01-03 Episode plot: An unexpected arctic cold front brings an ice storm to Austin and a variety of weather-related emergencies. Meanwhile, Owen deals with the fallout of the 126 closing, as Tommy, T.K. and Gillian settle into new employment and Judd and Grace prepare for the birth of their first baby.
Thank you so much!! been waiting for this new season of this series.. cannot wait to see Tarlos again 😍
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