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01.Introduction to creating a mini application that generates Text and CSV files/0101.Introduction to development of application Google Sheet to CSV..mp4
28.24 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0201.Setup CSV Maker web application using HTML and JavaScript.mp4
39.85 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0202.Setup Data Values to use a placeholder content.mp4
9.34 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0203.Process CSV Data using JavaScript.mp4
23.95 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0204.Avoid Memory Leaks when creating a download file URL - JavaScript.mp4
8.72 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0205.Create CSV File using code.mp4
7.58 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0206.Export Fixer and cleaning of structure of data..mp4
22.43 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0207.Google Sheet Data to export to CSV file using JavaScript.mp4
32.07 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0208.Fetch Data from JSON data to use as application data.mp4
178.33 MB
02.avaScript application to create files - Google Sheet data to CSV file/0209.Google Sheet to CSV final code tweaks and updates.mp4
Explore how you can use JavaScript to create a clickable link to download a JavaScript generated CSV file
Video Details
ISBN 9781838825348 Course Length 50 minutes
Table of Contents
Video Description
Did you want to create a download file option for your web visitors - downloading content from data and even a Google Spreadsheet?
No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE Web Application. All are done with JavaScript.
Course Covers
• Setting up a default data object
• Generating a downloadable text file on the fly using JavaScript
• Generating a downloadable CSV file on the fly
• Element select and style manipulation
• Adding event listeners to elements
• Elements as objects in JavaScript
• createObjectURL method to create file URLs
• Cleaning and restructuring of data objects for CSV
• Adding elements and removing elements from the web page
• Use of regex to search and JavaScript to update strings
• Use of fetch to get Google Spreadsheet JSON feed
• Setup of Google Spreadsheet JSON
• Restructuring JSON to array format for CSV file
• Source Code is included so you can try the code and build your own version of the application.
Allow web visitors to download a current copy of the spreadsheet from a link - all front-end and done dynamically with JavaScript. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!
This course is designed to get you started quickly with step-by-step training. The source code is included so you can try it for yourself.
What You Will Learn
• How to use JavaScript
• How to create elements dynamically
Laurence Svekis
Laurence Svekis is an instructor. He has 18+ years' work experience in web development, providing smart digital solutions online for both small and enterprise level businesses. An experienced web application developer, he has worked on multiple enterprise-level applications, hundreds of websites and business solutions, and many unique and innovative web applications. His web application development areas of expertise include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL—in short, anything to do with web creation and digital experience. He is passionate about everything to do with web application development and programming to online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO.
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