SERIES INFO Genre: Family Stars: Elisha "EJ" Williams, Dulé Hill, Saycon Sengbloh, Laura Kariuki, Amari O'Neil Series Plot: A coming of age story set in the late 1960s that takes a nostalgic look at a black middle-class family in Montgomery, Alabama through the point-of-view of imaginative 12 year-old Dean. With the wisdom of his adult years, Dean's hopeful and humorous recollections show how his family found their "wonder years" in a turbulent time.
EPISODE INFO Title: Home for Christmas Airdate: 2021-12-01 Episode plot: Dean can't wait to spend Christmas with his older brother, Bruce, when he returns home from Vietnam. But adjusting to life back in Montgomery comes with unexpected challenges for Bruce, and the rest of the Williams family rely on their favorite holiday traditions to bring cheer.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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