SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: From executive producer and international best-selling author James Patterson and New York Times best-selling author and journalist Vicky Ward comes an explosive investigative documentary series, Chasing Ghislaine. Ghislaine Maxwell is many things: a fallen socialite, an alleged sexual abuser and an accused sex trafficker of minors. But with the spotlight often focused on her employer, one-time lover and accused accomplice Jeffrey Epstein, the full breadth of Maxwell's alleged crimes and the many vital secrets she still keeps have remained closely guarded - until now. Chasing Ghislaine will change everything we think we know about the Epstein saga and the woman at the center of it all.
TWSTY - Good series - episodes and Print - Thanks for the share GalaxyTV ... A / V = 8
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by Guest-3100
on 2021-11-29 17:24:33
Does Ghislaine get hot when she see a carton of eggs in the store?
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