In this TV series adaptation, titled "Chucky," a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, and an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town's hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies and allies from Chucky's past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll's untold origins as a seemingly ordinary child who somehow became this notorious monster.
SERIES INFO Genre: Horror Thriller Stars: Barbara Alyn Woods, Zackary Arthur, Teo Briones, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Björgvin Arnarson Series Plot: In the new Chucky television series, after a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town's hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies — and allies — from Chucky's past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll's untold origins as a seemingly ordinary child who somehow became this notorious monster.
EPISODE INFO Title: Little Little Lies Airdate: 2021-11-09 Episode plot: Jake and Devon progress their relationship enemies and allies from Chucky's past show up.
so, Chucky - it's a show for child gays - impressive
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