SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Action War Stars: Max Thieriot, David Boreanaz, Neil Brown Jr., A.J. Buckley, Toni Trucks Series Plot: Failure is not an option for the Navy SEALs—the world's most elite, special ops forces. In this action-packed new drama, these stealth and fearless warriors conduct high-risk clandestine missions against impossible odds. And when they return to the home front they face stress of a different nature. Keeping secrets, deploying at a moment's notice, and the knowledge that each assignment could be their last takes a toll on them and their families. But their unbreakable oath and patriotism compel them to persevere.
EPISODE INFO Title: Nine Ten Airdate: 2021-10-24 Episode plot: As members of Bravo team travel to New York City, they reflect on a day that shaped each of their lives forever.