The groundbreaking drama series, The L Word®, revolutionized a generation and this fall the highly anticipated sequel The L Word®: Generation Q debuts. Returning cast members Jennifer Beals, Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey will resume their original roles alongside a new group of diverse, self-possessed LGBTQIA+ characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks and success in LA.
SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Romance Stars: Leisha Hailey, Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig, Jacqueline Toboni, Arienne Mandi Series Plot: A sequel to The L Word, Generation Q follows Bette Porter, Shane McCutcheon and Alice Pieszecki alongside a new generation of diverse, self-possessed LGBTQIA characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks and success in L.A.
EPISODE INFO Title: Last Dance Airdate: 2021-10-04 Episode plot: Tensions rise between Bette, Tina and Angie on the day Angie's set to meet her donor Shane struggles with a secret and Alice questions how open she should be about her personal life during her press tour. Meanwhile, Sophie is forced to confront some harsh realities about Finley Dani's personal and professional life are both thrown into further turmoil by what's happening at Nùñez Inc and Micah navigates his changing relationship with Maribel during a visit with her family.
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