SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Comedy Sports Stars: Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt, Hannah Waddingham, Jeremy Swift, Brett Goldstein Series Plot: Ted Lasso centers on an idealistic — and clueless — all-American football coach hired to manage an English football club — despite having no soccer coaching experience at all.
EPISODE INFO Title: Headspace Airdate: 2021-09-03 Episode plot: With things turning around for Richmond, it's time for everyone to work on their issues—like Ted's discomfort, Nate's confidence, and Roy's attention.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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by Guest-5408
on 2021-09-03 23:13:08
Where's the common sense size download of around 900 MB???? it's 172 MB, 203 MB then whoosh, right up to 2.7 GB and beyond to 6.43 GB!!!
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