File | Size |
0. Websites you may like/0. (1Hack.Us) Premium Tutorials-Guides-Articles _ Community based Forum.url | 377.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/1. (FreeCoursesOnline.Me) Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, Pluralsight Free.url | 286.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/3. ( Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url | 239.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/How you can help our Group!.txt | 204.00 B |
1.Introduction to Android Development/2.1.2DocProjectStructure.pdf | 355.07 kB |
1.Introduction to Android Development/5.IntroductiontoAndroidDevelopment [Quiz].txt | 1.88 kB |
10.View Binding [JAVA]/0.3.1Buttononclickfunction_1.m4v | 9.70 MB |
10.View Binding [JAVA]/1.3.2ButtonsetOnClickListener.m4v | 5.91 MB |
10.View Binding [JAVA]/2.3.3ActivityimplementsView.OnClickListener.m4v | 6.72 MB |
11.View Binding with Kotlin/0.IntroductiontoViewBinding.m4v | 22.23 MB |
11.View Binding with Kotlin/1.ChangingviewpropertiesfromKotlinCode_1.m4v | 22.67 MB |
11.View Binding with Kotlin/2.UsinglistenersonViews.m4v | 18.25 MB |
11.View Binding with Kotlin/3.Workingwithbuttons.m4v | 19.30 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/0.Basicpropertiesofdifferentviews.m4v | 36.16 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/1.Understandingthemesinandroid.m4v | 24.17 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/2.Usingacheckboxwithlistener_1.m4v | 10.63 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/3.Usingradiobuttonsinsidearadiogroup.m4v | 14.10 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/4.Somemoremiscellaneousviews.m4v | 24.14 MB |
12.Deeper dive into views, themes etc/5.Part2QuizonLayoutsandViews [Quiz].txt | 1.21 kB |
13.Intents_/0.SwitchingActivitiesusingIntents_1.m4v | 28.64 MB |
13.Intents_/1.SendDatatoActivitiesUsingExtras.m4v | 26.56 MB |
13.Intents_/2.UnderstandingImplicitIntent.m4v | 37.88 MB |
13.Intents_/3.CapturingUrlsusingIntentFilters.m4v | 41.26 MB |
13.Intents_/5.QuizOnIntents [Quiz].txt | 2.55 kB |
14.Debugging Your Software/0.GeneralTipsforIdentifyingCommonErrors_1.m4v | 23.50 MB |
14.Debugging Your Software/1.Debugging [Quiz].txt | 1.35 kB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/0.1.Designingthelayout.m4v | 22.84 MB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/1.2.MappingtheDesignWithCode.m4v | 12.82 MB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/2.3.Handlingbuttonclicks.m4v | 16.36 MB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/3.4.ImplementingGameDrawState_1.m4v | 14.94 MB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/4.5.ImplementingtheWinnerLogic.m4v | 17.26 MB |
15.Project 1 _ ❌ ⭕️ Tic Tac Toe_/5.6.Finalisingallthestates.m4v | 18.88 MB |
16. ? Permissions [JAVA]/0.4.1NormalPermissions_1.m4v | 38.84 MB |
16. ? Permissions [JAVA]/1.4.2DangerousPermissionaskingonruntime.m4v | 67.69 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/0.ListViewsAnIntroduction_1.m4v | 14.80 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/1.ListViewsShowinganarrayofstringswithArrayAdapter.m4v | 37.78 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/10.RecyclerViewCreatingourownadapter.m4v | 52.46 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/2.5.1ListViewStringArray.m4v | 32.48 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/3.ListViewsSettinguptheonItemClickListener.m4v | 19.31 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/4.5.2ListViewwithcustomAdapter.m4v | 59.85 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/6.5.4DocRecyclerView.pdf | 64.20 kB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/7.RecyclerViewAnIntroductiontoRecyclerViews.m4v | 28.15 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/8.RecyclerViewCreatingalistofrandomfruitobjects.m4v | 27.09 MB |
17.Dynamic User Interface with Lists/9.RecyclerViewBONUSUnderstandingJvmStaticinKotlin.m4v | 20.45 MB |
18.7. 쑌 Material Design Patterns_/0.6.1BasicMaterialDesignWidgets.m4v | 47.99 MB |
19.8. ? Threading and Asynchronous Programming [JAVA]/1.7.2DocAsyncTasks.pdf | 28.21 kB |
19.8. ? Threading and Asynchronous Programming [JAVA]/2.AD.3QuizServicesThreadsandPermissions [Quiz].txt | 2.36 kB |
2.Layouts and Views/0.IntrotoViewsandLayouts_1.m4v | 22.31 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/1.ExploringlayouteditorforUI.m4v | 16.06 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/10.Constraintlayoutalongwithsomemorelayouts.m4v | 27.15 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/11.Clickingonabutton.m4v | 10.54 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/2.Usingtextviewtodisplaytext.m4v | 20.67 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/3.QuizonLayoutsAndViews [Quiz].txt | 2.56 kB |
2.Layouts and Views/4.Differencebwdpandsp.m4v | 9.80 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/5.Usinglinearlayoutwithweights.m4v | 22.74 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/6.Usingmarginandpadding.m4v | 15.33 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/7.Usingimageviewtodisplayimages.m4v | 22.20 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/8.Usingframelayoutforoverlappingview.m4v | 8.58 MB |
2.Layouts and Views/9.Usingrelativelayouttoalignviewsrelativetoeachother.m4v | 21.77 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/0.KotlinConcurrencyAnIntroduction.m4v | 22.85 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/1.KotlinConcurrencyConceptofThreads.m4v | 20.99 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/2.KotlinConcurrencyUsingThreads.m4v | 20.08 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/3.KotlinConcurrencyConcurrentModificationException.m4v | 6.75 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/4.KotlinConcurrencyIterators_1.m4v | 4.43 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/5.KotlinConcurrencyIteratingwithThreads.m4v | 9.20 MB |
20.Understanding Concurrency in Android/6.KotlinConcurrencyCopyonWriteArrayLists.m4v | 8.67 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/0.KotlinCoroutinesIntroduction.m4v | 23.39 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/1.KotlinCoroutinesSuspendFunctions_1.m4v | 15.27 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/2.KotlinCoroutinesThreadsvsDispatchers.m4v | 16.68 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/3.KotlinCoroutinesRetrofitNetworkCallsPart1.m4v | 37.78 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/4.KotlinCoroutinesRetrofitNetworkCallsPart2.m4v | 26.93 MB |
21.Getting to know Coroutines ?/5.KotlinCoroutinesImplementingAsyncTaskreplacement.m4v | 53.64 MB |
22.Fragments[JAVA]/0.12.1Includinglayoutsinsideotherlayouts_1.m4v | 12.70 MB |
22.Fragments[JAVA]/1.12.2UsingFragmentsstaticallyfromxmlfiles.m4v | 36.39 MB |
22.Fragments[JAVA]/2.12.3DynamicallyswappingFragmentsfromJavaKotlin.m4v | 24.00 MB |
23.Fragments_/0.IntroductiontoFragments_1.m4v | 24.84 MB |
23.Fragments_/1.Addingstaticfragmentsinyourapp.m4v | 16.26 MB |
23.Fragments_/2.AddingDynamicFragmentsUsingFragmentManager.m4v | 15.32 MB |
23.Fragments_/3.SendingdatatofragmentusingBundles.m4v | 13.76 MB |
23.Fragments_/4.SlidingbetweenfragmentsusingViewPager.m4v | 20.99 MB |
24.Push Notifications ?/0.CreateasimpleNotification.m4v | 29.61 MB |
24.Push Notifications ?/1.ClickableNotifications.m4v | 27.48 MB |
24.Push Notifications ?/2.Makingaheadsupnotification_1.m4v | 27.72 MB |
25.Broadcast Receivers/0.AD.6QuizAndroidTrickyQuestions [Quiz].txt | 6.91 kB |
25.Broadcast Receivers/1.16.1StaticBroadcastReceivers.m4v | 48.94 MB |
25.Broadcast Receivers/2.16.2DynamicBroadcastReceivers.m4v | 35.92 MB |
26.Alarms/0.14.1Introductiontoalarms_1.m4v | 22.59 MB |
26.Alarms/1.14.2SettinganAlarm.m4v | 61.19 MB |
26.Alarms/2.14.3RepeatingAlarms.m4v | 15.58 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/0.10.1WritingaFiletoAppDataDirectory.m4v | 10.12 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/1.10.2ReadingaFilefromAppDataDirectory.m4v | 17.76 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/2.10.3DemoAppendmodeduringwriting_1.m4v | 14.76 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/3.10.4KotlinFileReadWritetoAppDataDirectory.m4v | 7.97 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/4.10.5SharedPreferences.m4v | 33.99 MB |
27.Data Storage and Persistence ?/6.AD.5QuizSQLiteFragmentsandContentProviders [Quiz].txt | 2.55 kB |
28.Room Persistence Library for SQLite 䗄/0.IntroductiontoRoomDatabaseandDaos.m4v | 46.22 MB |
28.Room Persistence Library for SQLite 䗄/1.CreatingtheAppDatabaseclass.m4v | 26.01 MB |
28.Room Persistence Library for SQLite 䗄/2.PopulatingViewsfromdatabase.m4v | 28.84 MB |
28.Room Persistence Library for SQLite 䗄/3.UsingCoroutinesWithRoom.m4v | 23.56 MB |
28.Room Persistence Library for SQLite 䗄/4.BonusUsingLiveDatawithRoom_1.m4v | 14.42 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/0.IntroductiontoTodoApp_1.m4v | 10.14 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/1.SettinguptheTodoDB.m4v | 29.63 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/10.ImplementingSearchforTodos.m4v | 39.18 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/2.SettingupToolbarandHomeLayout.m4v | 20.35 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/3.MakinglayoutforAddingaTodo.m4v | 32.53 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/4.AddingDatePickerDialogandDateFormat.m4v | 32.25 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/5.AddTimePickerDialogandSpinner.m4v | 17.41 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/6.CreatingTodoAdapterforRecyclerView.m4v | 25.02 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/7.FixingRoomWithLiveData.m4v | 22.89 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/8.ImplementingSwipeinRecyclerView.m4v | 24.42 MB |
29.Project 3 _ Todo List ✅/9.ImplementingSwipeinRecyclerViewContinued.m4v | 48.42 MB |
3.Introduction to Kotlin Programming/0.IntroductionToKotlin.m4v | 47.72 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/0.AD.4QuizKotlinNetworkOperationsandAsynchronousProgramming [Quiz].txt | 3.07 kB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/1.9.1NetworkingPart1CreatingtheLayout_1.m4v | 2.82 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/10.9.9JSONParsingPart5PuttingDataintheAdapter.m4v | 21.67 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/11.9.10AssignmentonNetworkingJSONParsing.m4v | 3.37 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/2.9.2NetworkingPart2Creatingthefunctionstubs.m4v | 2.74 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/3.9.3NetworkingPart3DownloadingHTTPdatausingAsyncTask.m4v | 5.14 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/ | 66.05 kB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/5.9.4NetworkingPart4ParsingtheDataandShowingonScreen.m4v | 22.28 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/6.9.5JSONParsingPart1TheJSONdataformat.m4v | 7.39 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/7.9.6JSONParsingPart2CreatingtheModelClass.m4v | 10.90 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/8.9.7JSONParsingPart2ConvertingtoJavaModels.m4v | 4.38 MB |
30.Network Operations, HTTP, and JSON Parsing[JAVA] ⚡️/9.9.8JSONParsingPart4ConvertingtoJavaModels.m4v | 18.78 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/0.OkHTTPIntro.m4v | 7.86 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/1.OkHTTPWorking.m4v | 19.47 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/2.OkHTTPAsyncwithUIThread.m4v | 10.74 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/3.GsonforJSONParsing.m4v | 22.85 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/4.PicassoImageLibraryIntro.m4v | 1.64 MB |
31. Common 3rd Party Libraries[JAVA] 鎉/5.PicassoWorkingandUsage.m4v | 20.16 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/0.IntroductiontoNetworking.m4v | 13.41 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/1.UsingOkHttptomakenetworkrequest.m4v | 41.29 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/2.Displayingvaluesfromnetworkresponse.m4v | 23.22 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/3.UnderstandinguseofGSONlibrary.m4v | 32.29 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/4.Creatingadapterforlistofusers.m4v | 25.11 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/5.UnderstandinghowAPIworks.m4v | 31.23 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/6.MakingclientandservicesforretrofitPart1.m4v | 18.35 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/7.MakingclientandservicesforretrofitPart2.m4v | 4.59 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/8.DisplayinglistofGithubusers.m4v | 25.04 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/9.Addingsearchusingqueryannotation.m4v | 18.44 MB |
32.Networking ⚡️ with 3rd Party Libraries 鎉/Readme.txt | 73.00 B |
33.Maps and Locations_/0.GettingStartedWithGoogleMapsLocation.m4v | 14.96 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/1.ExploringGoogleMapsAPI.m4v | 30.78 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/2.AddingMarkersPolylinesandCustomisingMaps.m4v | 27.34 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/3.AddingPermissionsforLocation.m4v | 21.62 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/4.GettinglastlocationusingLocationManager.m4v | 15.87 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/5.AddingGPSenabledialog.m4v | 16.50 MB |
33.Maps and Locations_/6.RealtimelocationusingFusedLocationProvider.m4v | 27.40 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-0 _ What can we do with hardware sensors.m4v | 18.33 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-1 _ Introduction to Hardware Sensors.m4v | 2.81 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-2 _ Accessing the SensorManager.m4v | 15.30 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-3 _ Git Repo of This Section.m4v | 6.06 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-4 _ SensorEventListener.m4v | 30.19 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-5 _ Swipe to Change Color.m4v | 19.37 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-6 _ Reading Accelerometer values.m4v | 14.03 MB |
34.Working with Hardware Sensors_/AD-HWS-7 _ Accelerometer Disco Lights App.m4v | 13.81 MB |
35.13. Firebase/0.13.1FirebaseIntroduction.m4v | 34.34 MB |
35.13. Firebase/1.13.2Addfirebasetoyourapp.m4v | 15.95 MB |
35.13. Firebase/2.13.3WritingdatatoFirebaseRealtimeDatabase.m4v | 44.58 MB |
35.13. Firebase/3.13.4ReadingdatafromFirebaseDatabase.m4v | 60.53 MB |
35.13. Firebase/4.13.5PushNotificationsusingFirebase.m4v | 13.32 MB |
35.13. Firebase/5.13.6FirebaseAuthentication.m4v | 110.88 MB |
35.13. Firebase/6.13.7FirebaseCrashReporting.m4v | 26.44 MB |
36.Scheduling task using JobScheduler/0.15.1JobSchedulerPart1.m4v | 39.28 MB |
36.Scheduling task using JobScheduler/1.15.2JobSchedulerPart2.m4v | 24.86 MB |
37.Jetpackڀ Components /0.IntrotoJetpackComponents.m4v | 8.86 MB |
37.Jetpackڀ Components /1.BackgroundtaskswithWorkManager.m4v | 15.50 MB |
37.Jetpackڀ Components /2.DefiningasimpleWorkRequest.m4v | 38.22 MB |
37.Jetpackڀ Components /3.ConstraintsSchedulingandPeriodicWorkerRequests.m4v | 31.31 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/0.IntrotoWhatsappClone.m4v | 13.44 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/1.ConnectingprojecttoFirebase.m4v | 29.64 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/10.UploadingimagetoFirebaseStorage.m4v | 26.31 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/11.CreatingUserObjectforDatabase.m4v | 11.38 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/12.UploadinguserdatatoFirebaseFirestore.m4v | 26.36 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/13.Addingsplashactivity.m4v | 13.57 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/14.Addingtablayoutwithviewpager2.m4v | 22.58 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/15.Creatinglistitemforusersinbox.m4v | 21.97 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/16.Understandingconceptofpagination.m4v | 23.61 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/17.Creatingviewholderclassforusers.m4v | 21.30 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/18.Implementingthepagedlistofusers.m4v | 21.99 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/19.Usingahacktoremovecurrentuser.m4v | 19.59 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/2.Createinputfornumberandcountrycode.m4v | 44.54 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/20.Navigatingtochatactivityfromusers.m4v | 25.84 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/21.Designingthechatlistitem.m4v | 21.38 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/22.Structuringthedatabaseforchats.m4v | 23.66 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/23.SetUserandcreateinboxmodal.m4v | 15.45 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/24.Creatingaddingmessagetodatabase.m4v | 31.29 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/25.Updateinboxwithunreadcount.m4v | 16.58 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/26.Implementingthechatadapter.m4v | 30.39 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/27.Displayingthemessages.m4v | 30.60 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/28.Addoptiontolikeamessage.m4v | 12.28 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/29.InflateTheInboxWithMessages.m4v | 39.59 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/3.GettingstartedwithOTPscreen.m4v | 20.32 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/30.IntoToCloudFunctions.m4v | 21.41 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/31.WriteFirstCloudFunctions.m4v | 65.79 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/4.WorkingwithSpannableStrings.m4v | 17.27 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/5.ImplementingCountdownTimer.m4v | 31.22 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/6.UsingphoneauthwithFirebase.m4v | 36.44 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/7.Registeruserandaddresendtoken.m4v | 51.33 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/8.CreatingUIforSignUp.m4v | 38.37 MB |
38.Project 4 _ ? WhatsApp Clone_/9.Selectingimagefromgallery.m4v | 23.20 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/0.HelloWorldProgram_1.m4v | 7.32 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/1.DeclaringVariableInKotlin.m4v | 11.98 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/2.DifferenceBetweenValVar.m4v | 5.81 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/3.UsingLateinitForInitialization.m4v | 7.23 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/4.UnderstandingNullSafetyInKotlin.m4v | 17.62 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/5.StringConcatenationUsingSign.m4v | 6.97 MB |
4.Kotlin Fundamentals/6.BasicSyntaxOfKotlin [Quiz].txt | 2.05 kB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/0.GettingstartedwithMVVM.m4v | 21.97 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/1.Understandingprojectstructure.m4v | 9.93 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/2.DefiningdatapackageforMVVM.m4v | 15.53 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/3.MVVMCreatingUserInterface.m4v | 7.40 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/4.MVVMImplementingViewModel.m4v | 17.12 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/5.MVVMUsinglivedatawithviewmodel.m4v | 10.86 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/6.MVVMDisplayinglistofUsers.m4v | 12.09 MB |
40.Architecture Patterns _ Model View View Model(MVVM)/7.MVVMImplementingsearchforusers.m4v | 25.38 MB |
41.CameraX/0.IntroductiontoCameraX.m4v | 9.25 MB |
41.CameraX/1.AddCameraDependanciesandPermission.m4v | 23.77 MB |
41.CameraX/2.GetLivePreviewUsingTextureView.m4v | 43.13 MB |
41.CameraX/3.HandlingDeviceRotationandChangingLens.m4v | 26.06 MB |
41.CameraX/4.SavePreviewusingImageCapture.m4v | 32.62 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/0. Introduction to Weather App.m4v | 19.79 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/1.Resources for the project.m4v | 9.50 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/10.Adding mapper for converting data.m4v | 12.31 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/11.Implementing repository class.m4v | 21.86 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/2.Adding dependancies and modals.m4v | 12.21 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/3.Adding api service with endpoints.m4v | 12.05 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/4. Adding Result class with DataSource Pattern.m4v | 16.91 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/5. Add DataSource Implementation.m4v | 9.69 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/6.Adding api key using build config.m4v | 16.10 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/7.Adding dao and entities for database.m4v | 11.06 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/8.Adding datasource for database.m4v | 7.99 MB |
42.Project 3 _ ⛅️☔️☀️ Weather App/9.Using type-convertor for list of data.m4v | 16.82 MB |
43.Project 5 _ Google Lens Clone/links.txt | 316.00 B |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/0.UsingArraysInKotlin_1.m4v | 31.64 MB |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/1.WorkingwithCollectionsofItems.m4v | 26.76 MB |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/2.ForEachLoopInKotlin.m4v | 13.39 MB |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/3.WorkingwithLoops.m4v | 12.25 MB |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/4.UnderstandingSpecialKeywordsInKotlin.m4v | 11.34 MB |
5.Collections,Loops and Conditionals/5.UsingWhenAsReplacementofSwitch.m4v | 16.71 MB |
6.Functions in Kotlin/0.FunctionsinKotlin.m4v | 7.67 MB |
6.Functions in Kotlin/1.Functionargumentreturntype_1.m4v | 8.90 MB |
6.Functions in Kotlin/2.TypesofArgumentsinFunction.m4v | 13.15 MB |
6.Functions in Kotlin/3.Varargasafunctionargument.m4v | 4.06 MB |
6.Functions in Kotlin/4.FunctionsInKotlin [Quiz].txt | 2.34 kB |
7.Introduction to classes/0.Introtoclassesinkotlin.m4v | 14.28 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/1.Accessingclasspropertiesandmembers.m4v | 19.24 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/2.Understandingthiskeyword.m4v | 12.41 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/3.IntrotoConstructors.m4v | 15.26 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/4.Constructorwithinitblock_1.m4v | 8.71 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/5.SecondaryConstructors.m4v | 8.35 MB |
7.Introduction to classes/6.OOPsinKotlin [Quiz].txt | 1.33 kB |
8.Introduction to Github/0.IntroductiontoGitandGithub.m4v | 42.67 MB |
8.Introduction to Github/1.MakingaRepositoryonGithub.m4v | 28.37 MB |
8.Introduction to Github/2.CloningaRepositoryfromGithub.m4v | 15.90 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/0.8.1GettingStartedwithKotlin.m4v | 34.93 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/1.8.2KotlinVariables.m4v | 35.36 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/2.8.3KotlinFunctions.m4v | 37.37 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/3.8.4KotlinClasses.m4v | 40.69 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/4.8.5KotlinObjects_1.m4v | 16.44 MB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/6.OverviewOfKotlin [Quiz].txt | 1.73 kB |
9.Kotlin Quick Revision/8.Part2QuizonKotlinFunctions [Quiz].txt | 1.99 kB |