SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Kenan Thompson, Chris Redd Series Plot: Beloved Saturday Night Live cast and NBC family member, the irresistibly funny Kenan Thompson stars in a new family comedy that delivers on his undeniably charming and wondrously magnetic personality. In the series, Kenan strives to be a super dad to his two adorable daughters, while balancing his job and a father-in-law who "helps" often in the most unhelpful ways. Kenan's got a lot to juggle, but if anyone can do it, he can!
EPISODE INFO Title: Pilot Airdate: 2021-02-16 Episode plot: Kenan thinks he's adjusted to life as a busy single parent, but after everyone confronts him about denying his grief, he realizes it's time to make some changes Gary thinks it's time for Rick to move out of the house.
Don Johnson is wasted on this terrible show ,, kenan is funny he's just trying to play grown up(Fails) for a change in stead of silly boy from SNL
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by Guest-2091
on 2021-02-17 05:07:08
This show wasnt funny. If this is how its gonna be, It'll be over before its started
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