SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Drama Family Stars: Nina Parker, Kelsey Darragh, Zach Noe Towers, Ben Evans, Rocky Dale Davis, Ben Bizuneh, Cara Connors Series Plot: E! expands its original nightly programming line-up with a 20-episode order of the new unscripted comedy blind dating series, "Dating #NoFilter," to air Monday through Thursday starting Monday, January 21st at 10:30p ET/PT. From Lime Pictures and All3Media America, "Dating #NoFilter" is a fresh and hilariously honest take on the modern dating scene for the socially savvy, right-swiping generation. In each buzzy half-hour episode, three pairs of outspoken comedians will serve up play-by-plays as they follow real singles on the most outrageous, intimate, and surprising first dates. Throughout the blind dates, the comedians will offer their candid and unique POVs as they weigh in on every accidental love story pulling at viewers' heart strings and the "OMG-no!" cringe-worthy moments, with real, unfiltered and clever commentary.
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