SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Drama Family History Mini-Series Stars: Elena Irureta, Jose Ramon Soroiz, Iñigo Aranbarri, Susana Abaitua, Ane Gabarain, Mikel Laskurain, Loreto Mauleón, Eneko Sagardoy, Jon Olivares Series Plot: Set in Spanish Basque Country and taking place over thirty years during the separatist terrorism of ETA, Patria tells a story through the eyes of two families divided by the violent conflict. It follows Bittori and her family, whose lives implode the day ETA kills her husband, Txato, on his doorstep. The relationship with her intimate friend Miren, whose son belongs to an ETA command, also comes to an end. Both families must deal with grief and moral contradictions while life goes on.
EPISODE INFO Title: Octubre Benigno Airdate: 2020-09-27 Episode plot: Following Basque separatist group ETA’s historic ceasefire, Bittori returns to her hometown demanding answers about her late husband Txato’s unresolved murder.
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