Uploaded by TGxMovies![]() | Size 460.48 MB | Health [1/1] | Added 22/11/20 09:53 |
Uploaded by WowMovies![]() | Size 721.30 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 03/09/20 17:07 |
![]() | A/9 V/9 Thanks for the upload! :-) I've stopped giving reviews of the acting, scripts, or production during this pandemic. I'm only rating based on whether or not I was 'entertained' by the film. I was poorly entertained, and on that basis I rate this movie 2-Stars above. My opinion only. O:-D |
![]() | Watchable indeed, audio and video vize. But, this movie is in my opinion, a big waste of time. Thanx for the upload guys :) |
![]() | Ha ha, love the comments. I just watched it. It's definitely a low budget B flick with an enticing cover but not much else. I could have filmed it myself with $10K and a few boxes of glazed donuts for the starving actors. There are some okay-ish fight scenes, but the plot is unoriginal, the acting is mediocre and the FX are a little on the cheesy side. On the plus side, as others have mentioned, there's enough action in it to make it watchable without feeling that burning desire to hit fast-forward, and if you have nothing better to watch, I guess it was okay, provided you have yummy snacks, good weed to smoke and/or lots of cold beer. The video and audio quality are spot on, as usual, but the film itself gets a 5/10 rating from me. You could easily miss this one and not feel guilty about it. Thanks to GalaxyRG for giving me an excuse to write another review. :D |
![]() | Oh man this is bad. Not even in a "so bad it's good" way. everyone involved must have been desperate for a paycheque. |
![]() | The movie isnt that bad and Ryan is a pretty good action actor. There are also other very well known actors in this but even with all that being said, it has its problems. Main issue being that Ryan is a much better actor than all others in this film and it really shows. The movie is your typical family member hostage type. Few twists but pretty well done many times. The plot is very shallow and straight forward, barely any character development (not like it would of helped it any) and the ending is pretty much how you would expect it to be - the good guys win, Hooray! The bad guys are very piss poor (Casper Van Dien from Starship troopers), the top two guys are the best known and don't really do bad guys very well. Casper is a very shitty bad guy and that is putting it nicely. The two younger actors, Jack Griffo and Lexi Simonsen are very shitty young actors that had no business in these parts they played. Jack trying to play Ryans son and his cliche moral dilemmas are hard to watch along with Lexi overacting the easiest parts of the characters. It is very obvious that they are nowhere on the same level as Ryan or even Casper for that matter. Ryan doesn't do any of his own fight scenes, it is very distracting to see the edits of the stunt guys with completely different body types take the crashes and bumps when all of a sudden Ryan is then laying on the floor as if it was him the entire time. I watched the show knowing it wouldn't be that great but wanted to give an honest review about it. I'd give it 3/4 stars out of 10 and shockingly they end with an obvious part 2 for another movie of this type. This movie will probably do very well overseas but it won't in North America - perhaps that's why this was green lighted in the first place, world wide movie income. |