SERIES INFO Genre: Animation Anime Comedy Drama Romance Stars: Takuya Eguchi, Ayane Sakura, Nao Touyama, Saori Hayami, Mai Nakahara, Ami Koshimizu, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Haruka Tomatsu, Chad Horii, Marina Inoue Series Plot: So exactly what’s going to happen when Hachiman Hikigaya, an isolated high school student with no friends, no interest in making any and a belief that everyone else’s supposedly great high school experiences are either delusions or outright lies, is coerced by a well meaning faculty member into joining the one member “Volunteer Services Club” run by Yukino Yukinoshita, who’s smart, attractive and generally considers everyone in her school to be her complete inferior?
EPISODE INFO Title: Until the End, Yui Yuigahama Will Continue Watching Over Them Airdate: 2020-08-21 Episode plot: For Hachiman’s plan to succeed, they’ll need allies from other schools. Communicating with those allies, however, is easier said than done…
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