SERIES INFO Genre: Horror Reality Stars: - Series Plot: It's widely believed that supernatural entities feed off of fear, and the greater the fear, the more dangerous spirits become. Travel Channel's special four-part miniseries Ghost Adventures: Quarantine, tests the theory firsthand, as Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Jay Wasley and Billy Tolley quarantine themselves for two weeks inside Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum in Las Vegas. In a frightening expose filmed entirely by the guys without a production crew, the team - maintaining proper social distance practices amid the coronavirus pandemic - discover how heightened levels of fear in this unprecedented time impact the dark energies attached to the world’s most haunted objects. With no recent visitors to the museum due to the closure, Bagans and the team are the first people in weeks to encounter these powerful paranormal forces and face them head on.
EPISODE INFO Title: Dybbuk Box: The Opening Airdate: 2020-07-02 Episode plot: Zak reveals a terrifying secret when the crew investigates the Dybbuk Box in the Haunted Museum. COVID-19 has spread fear worldwide, and the guys risk everything on the final night as they prepare to open the cursed relic in this supercharged atmosphere.
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