Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 546.90 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 03/07/20 01:35 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 949.37 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 01/11/20 01:21 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 857.03 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 29/10/20 03:05 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 1,018.19 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 04/01/20 00:55 |
![]() | edited version still censored? censorship is really cool and a good thing to do. sunday mod? talk about a rogue cop imposing a virtual police state on a public torrent tracker. more evidence. for human nature. race, another thing that divides, co-opted by uninformed "journalists" and others across the political spectrum who as usual have no idea what they are talking about, or doing. which is why the ruling class always wins, because it is too easy. "television", just different ideologies but the same general fallacies. corral the masses into uselessness by diverting from actual interests into the culture war type bullshit. so, one could imagine (although it will never happen because of aforementioned widespread human idiocy) coalition building of the "working class", or relatively speaking "poor", yet what would this require? this would require poor/working-class of any skin color to all work together. yet, what actually occurs? the new york times has unenlightened journalists that woke-signal endlessly and/or try to play that fabled "objectivity" that never has actually existed, and the least of the problem is that they consistently fail to understand the "right" and all the while do untold damage misrepresenting the "left". meanwhile the washington post, owned by the wealthiest zombie-"human" on the planet, also is another example of intellectual vacuity. so there is that and the tv versions, and fox news. the incalculable lack of wisdom in trying to build a movement by dividing people. if the "people" running or supporting a movement from the getgo set upon inclusivity instead of abject hypocrisy, then that would have actually been smart. then they could argue that everyone poor deserves a more egalitarian society, and racism and brutality is bad. instead, it is all only sowing further division thus serving the interests of the ruling class, so as usual the joke is on those who are most "passionate". let's see of voters, a huge percentage did vote for trump, the "right". the other half a mixture of "left" voted for clinton. around 100 million people don't vote at all. the right is reactionary and the left vote is a mixture of resigned woke left plus neoliberal moderate left plus etc. "racializing" so-called "social justice" is just self-defeating and it seems the SJWs are too ignorant to realize this. will this be deleted too? click. |
![]() | thank you for the inquiry about this. for a few reasons. primarily because it is unnecessary. pleased to see whoever deleted the previous comment here left the edited one above, or that others/mods interceded. unsure what precisely was the cause for the initial deletion, however presumably some ironic jokes don't land well with some mod. it couldn't be mere profanity. alas, putting that aside. would prefer to avoid creating an account, for privacy and security reasons. and since anonymous comments are allowed, again it seems unnecessary. if anything needs to be discussed, it can be done publicly, as it is being done here. limiting attack surface of all data is a primary concern. this may be overkill for most individuals however in this situation it isn't. the issue with the racial segment on this torrent that elucidated this comment is that it is totally counter-productive to its own stated interests, because of the reactionary component of society but moreover the "left", especially the neoliberal/conservative left. whatever form of reparations, would only materialize in the future by building a movement based in class, instead of race. by creating and advocating a race-based hysteria all that is accomplished in division, not inclusion, not advancement of the interests that the SJWs state. that was the only point that was more pointedly made in the deleted and then re-written more mild comment above. the only purpose that the current "movement" is serving is to activate reactionaries, and serve the interests of the ruling class of both the democrats and republicans. per capita may show one thing, however the fact is there are poor people of every "color", and much more of those who aren't minorities who are often raised and or locked into reactionary thought, whether it be through a forceful tv network or the much wider and aggressive online "world". right now it just looks like racial uproar is a way for the neoliberal elite to takeover again, plus it has the other "benefit" of the ruling class across claimed political alignment to keep hold of power by polarizing groups with class interests along lines of race against each other. that all is just plain dumb. the smart thing to do is activate all political movements around class, a better version of a rising tide lifts all boats. sought reparations by division and victimization is just an awful concept on principle let alone practically. |