| scarborough blew out many cheap speakers around the country on this one. strange that he clearly thinks sheryl sandberg and mark zuckerberg are scumbags, and that facebook royally sucks, yet he cannot bring himself to a very easy stance of advocating for antitrust actions against them. not that the trump administration would do such, since they helped him get elected. still, the bigger the chorus... however, breaking apart the now what have become media companies that were initially tech companies would at least lessen the leviathan lobbying powers that facebook and google have. don't know what the answer is, perhaps they should limit the number of users allowed on these platform, creating the space for a constellation of different companies that then have regulations and can with free software licensing "connect" to differing platforms? or maybe if they knew how to effectively regulate themselves and manage data better, then they wouldn't be such assholes, tautological as that is, still a truism. strangely, dearly deceased slimeball steve jobs' apple has managed to actually not that much affront with the "do-be-evil" privacy-profiteering that shoshana zuboff has so thoroughly explored. a hero on the rare noble side of the harvard spectrum, far from the other end of so many cunts such as lawrence summers and sheryl sandberg, ad infinitum. moreover, if scarborough actually is concerned about these issues he should maybe try having someone on his show that knows about europe's GPDR. it isn't a perfect solution, however at least europe is doing something. and speaking of ad infinitum, polls! here is a michigan poll at 4% margin of error. so, playing devil's advocate, as known to do, that is biden 51% and trump 43%. now that is a brutal poll. trump seems to not really care about anything else than catering to his hardcore base and "having fun"... in the sense that this whole entire era of him doing a hostile takeover of the republican party and becoming potus basically is an experiment of how does he maximize attention more so than any other potus ever. maybe civil society shows cracks of breaking-down by november and he wins by a fluke, but for the time being admittedly it seems unlikely. until then the strategy is to consolidate the most diehard trump personality cult members, and "worst" case scenario move the more profitable show on the road once dilapidated biden takes office in 2021. |