SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Stars: Josh Harris II (Cornelia Marie, Deckhand) Series Plot: Captain Phil Harris was a legend on the Bering Sea who spent decades fishing the icy and treacherous waters off the coast of Dutch Harbor, Alaska. He captained the F/V Cornelia Marie for more than 20 years, and after his tragic passing, his son Josh Harris took over the family business, along with business partner Casey McManus. Now, an unbelievable discovery of mysterious Hawaiian fishing charts scribbled with Captain Phil’s handwriting, notes and statistics, has prompted Deadliest Catch captain and Alaskan legacy fisherman Josh Harris to take a once-in-a-lifetime quest to Hawaii to learn about the time his late father spent fishing there decades ago.
EPISODE INFO Title: Cowboys and Pirates Airdate: 2020-05-05 Episode plot: On Hawaii's Big Island, Josh enlists the help of Johnathan Hillstrand to help him dive deeper into the mystery of Phil's charts and gain insight into the time Phil spent in Kona Town.
A few whoppers .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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