Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 546.90 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 03/07/20 01:35 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 949.37 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 01/11/20 01:21 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 857.03 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 29/10/20 03:05 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 1,018.19 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 04/01/20 00:55 |
![]() | /1 here is why it doesn't matter what "joe biden" "promises" to do for the left. here is also why it doesn't matter to have leverage over "joe biden". here is even why joe biden is not "the lesser of two evils", and why that also doesn't matter. here is the main historical reason, from the authentic left, to not vote for joe biden. this is counterintuitive & heresy to those of the status quo way of thinking on the "left" and its rationale, if not its result, would certainly be discarded by the mostly irrational and thoroughly delusional trumpian right. putting aside tactictally joe biden as a garbage candidate to run against the incumbent in this election, putting aside biden's graveyard of failed policies, lies, and political machine of corporate corruption that undergirds him and those circling around him. one thing that should be stated at the outset is that joe biden is the right man at the right time to lose to donald trump. thank god bernie sanders didn't get the nomination, because that would have been a disaster for the left as well. the thing that chomsky, sam seder, and all the other nominally leftist thinkers don't get is that this isn't about getting rid of trump, or biden being more palatable with his supposedly relatively "competent" technocrats. the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic has radically altered political culpability as the economy (& eventually the market) is going to have a slow slide into further shock which right now the fed is as usual covering-up/propping-up so that later it is much much worse. the "theory" can can be sumarized as the only good political evolution here is a dissolution of the trump personality cult and the resulting shifting of the right, which will actually have the effect of finally shifting the left after far too long. sam seder is fundamentally incorrect that groups don't "learn" lessons, especially groups wielding concentrated power. here is another way to think about this. the dlc democrats origination into these spineless corporate automatons occured in the 80s, when reagan won not once but twice. first dukakis in 1980, then mondale in 1984. from then onwards the democratic party has drifted to the right while the republican party did likewise until it has metaphorically started to hang onto a cliff with dubya, and then has just fallen off the cliff entirely with trump and is in free fall. let them fall! #thelefttruththesolitaryantidotefortrumpisunfortunatelymoretrump |
![]() | /3 the supreme court is already worthless, as is the rest of the judicial system. the only remedy for the court is to pack the supreme court from the bonafide left, anything short of that doesn't matter. if truly leftist democrats take/shift the senate and house enough in the midterms then in 2024 a real left candidate could pack the court. the senate is morally and intellectually bankrupt, the house is inept under speaker pelosi, and the presidency whether it be biden or trump is a joke. stand down! let this system burn further, it doesn't matter in the short term and on the longer timeline it will be better for both the left and the democrats' "evolution", as well as for the right and the republicans "evolution" back to somewhere reality-adjacent. anything short of that is a disaster on top of the already churning disaster. besides, these next few years will be brutal, on top of a whole bunch of cascading economic implosions that this "proximate cause" of the global pandemic is triggering, and therefore over the relatively short-term timespan of the next year or year and a half the economists and "experts" will be able to hoodwink the masses into believing that it isn't trump's fault up to the election and early into the second term. however as things drag and get worse and worse, that is the only way the system will shift for the better on BOTH sides of the aisle. know that no one is supposed to care about the "other side" whatsoever, however that is how this all culminated into the dysfunction of now. the fact is bernie, if he knew at all how to campaign in a war sense instead of, if still noble, a traveling stump speech, could only ever win and have it be a success (even in the limited bully-pulpit sense since nothing would get through congress) if there was a "natural" implosion of the trump administration. the global pandemic has pre-empted that and given cover to the trumpites to hide the system's neoliberal frailty and cruelty to the base within the cloak of the "natural" disaster of the pandemic. this is why trump must be releected, because anything short of that pain there is no eventually running for the hills of his personality cult. electing bernie in this situation would have only been bad for the left, and good for the crazed right, thus obama actually at least got this right. biden is our man to lose! yay for joe biden. #thelefttruththesolitaryantidotefortrumpisunfortunatelymoretrump |
![]() | /2 the worst thing for the left, and even democrats, would be for biden to be elected, and the best thing for the republicans would be for biden to get elected. unfortunately the reason why bernie lost is precisely why he is endorsing biden right now. bernie is a nice guy, one of his problems with failing at winning. it is a good thing he couldn't win the primary in the midst of a pandemic. the cliche no pain no gain has never been truer politically than for this election, particularly for the left. this is the unbelievable irony and thorough idiocy of this shot in political time. thankfully, trump is such a megalomaniac it doesn't seem likely at all that he wants to lose especially after the democrats are really out to nail him and given some of his as of yet still uncovered skeletons it is no wonder he is going to fight with everything he has to win this election. so, play it out sociologically and not just politically. trump loses, and then not only does fox go into hyperdrive but now there is fox and trump-tv-network which will make fox news look positively quaint. the state legislatures are doubly screwed again, just like under the 8 years of obama when a wildfire of republicans swept through the entire country and absolutely dominated nearly all the state legislatures. with trump for another 4 years there is the perfect foil for the left to actually be truly galvanized and shift the balance of power of state legislatures. plus there is the bigger advantage that with all the predictableness of trump being "unrefined", to say the least, that will be a real boost to the prospects of democrats potentially taking back the senate. from there the 2024 election with a solid candidate like AOC or newsom--or both, after 4 more years of trump's antics perhaps the country will be at a place and evolved enough to elect that truly inspiring ticket for the left. the supreme court is already a group of worthless sellouts, and everybody likes to praise rbg, but wtf, why couldn't they replaces her in the first term of obama when they have both houses? just shows you what jokesters these neoliberal democrats truly are, and the real left is told to back these spineless cretins? meanwhile the supposedly incompetent republicans have mitch blocking everything and they easily appoint two judges immediately with their clown cult reality tv inherited/nouveau riche b-list celebrity. #thelefttruththesolitaryantidotefortrumpisunfortunatelymoretrump |