SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Drama Romance Stars: Kate Phillips, Stuart Martin, Andrew Gower, Ansu Kabia, Danny Midwinter, Cathy Belton, Kevin Doyle, Helen Norton Series Plot: When Eliza's father dies, he leaves her penniless in a time where marriage is her only option for financial security. But the headstrong Eliza is determined to find another way. Luckily, she has an ace up her bonnet – her father's business – a private detective agency. Eliza knows all the tricks of the trade but as a genteel 19th century lady she's never been allowed to put them into practice. To operate in this man's world, she needs a partner. Step forward Detective Inspector William Wellington of Scotland Yard, who is also known as "The Duke-" drinker, gambler and womaniser. Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship that will crackle and smoulder with sexual tension as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880's London.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 1 Airdate: 2020-03-31 Episode plot: When Eliza Scarlett's father dies suddenly, she's faced with a stark choice. Accept the fact she is now penniless or take on and run her dad's detective business, but can she succeed against all the odds in this male-dominated world?
Going against the wishes of everyone around her, including family friend Inspector Wellington, aka "the Duke", she opts for the latter and, along the way, enlists the skills of Moses an infamous Jamaican crook.
In her first ever assignment, Eliza is hired by a male client trying to find his "long lost niece".
Something about this missing person doesn't quite add up but, with so much to prove, can Eliza crack the case and prove her doubters wrong?
Your encodes are great. Such a pity there is a huge logo to remove every time.
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