SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Stars: Beau Boeckmann, "Mad Mike" Martin, Dave Shuten Series Plot: In 1952, Galpin Auto Sports revolutionized the automotive world by becoming the first dealership to ever design, build and sell a custom car, transforming the business into the most storied customization shop in the entire game. Now, Galpin Motors, Inc. president and COO Beau Boeckmann, custom car builder Dave Shuten and customization specialist “Mad Mike” Martin are revving up engines to save automotive history and rescue car culture from oblivion
EPISODE INFO Title: Shelby's Secret Project Airdate: 2020-03-30 Episode plot: Beau Boeckmann and the Galpin Crew resurrect a one-of-a-kind Pantera that Carroll Shelby hot-rodded for a secret project with Lee Iacocca. Meanwhile, a celebrity client arrives to pick up his restored '68 Charger with modern muscle under the hood.
I remember Galpin Auto Sports from a series called Pimp my Ride .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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