Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 546.90 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 03/07/20 01:35 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 949.37 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 01/11/20 01:21 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 857.03 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 29/10/20 03:05 |
Uploaded by Pawpcorn![]() ![]() | Size 1,018.19 MB | Health [0/0] | Added 04/01/20 00:55 |
![]() | back to primary electibility while it still sort of matters for around 24+ hours. the sanders' campaign should be "beating" biden "like a drum" with the fact that while his older support has greater turnout, hence he is currently leading the delegate count by a couple hundred points, and landsliding endorsements with the corrupt political machine behind him, his support is "squishy" and driven by fear and for getting rid of trump, except what his supports and the beaten-down-by-the-media electorate don't fully gather is that the biden vote is much more likely to turnout for bernie than the bernie base is for unenlightent and very uninspired joe biden. hence if the sanders campaign knew what they were doing they would have bernie simply state these facts, well, near certanties based on the facts of 2016 and the dynamics in this primary plus hillary's polluting the whole dynamic even more with her own interjected incessant excuses for her failures that must be deflected upon anything and everything other than herself and the toxic enablers around her. bernie needs to simply stand up for the harsh truth which is that because biden's "squishy" support, even at higher (unenthusiastic) numbers because of the turnout of older voters, isn't enough by itself to push him over the finish line against trump . if bernie were to win this primary he would objectively have better chances beating trump regardless of the wider economic landscape or level of crisis going through the general election into november. it couldn't be more straighforward, bernie needs to EXPAND his statements of electibility that his base has more energy into a critique of and admittal that part of his base realistically, no matter how much people may not like it, will not pull the lever for biden, whereas the opposite way, the soft biden voters are so desperate to get rid of trump they will come out for bernie over trump. this being so trenchantly obvious one must conclude it is insane that the sanders' campaign is completely ignoring this. call it positive factual fear mixed with simply being a conduit for the anger on the actual leftist insurgency in the US. funny thing is biden has no way around this, it is a slam dunk. these beltway "journalists" talking about biden's vp pick already--nothing solves this problem for biden, certainly not warren at this point and she doesn't help in the south in the general. thus biden will most certainly lose to trump and has no solution. |
![]() | thank you so much for the upload. the coronavirus coverage is, and is going to be, non-stop. a few political asides for the aether, some logical vibes into the seemingly hopeless abyss that are these elections as an epitaph of lost opportunities. one may wonder what was the sanders' campaign doing strategically up to south carolina however especially after the rout there. it really is quite evident and is absolutely spellbinding the degree of lack of imagination. this is political war, per steve bannon the alchemist of trump 2016, you do this: claim the moral high ground, check. leave a smouldering hole where your enemy used to be, definitive no check. fill said hole with your values, ditto. here are some thoughts while there is less than 48 hours to turn this thing around and metamorphose from a 1% chance (yes, humorous) to supplant the plagiarizer's 99% team of political hacks that are unfortunately roundly beating him when they shouldn't be. bernie admits he is losing/nearly totally lost the case of electability. thomas frank axiomizes there is something wrong psychologically with the democratic establishment that has gutted this country for nearly 50 years. simply put bernie's support is steadfast and much more energized and loyal to bernie, than is the biden flight-to-familar vote, even at lower turnout levels of the youth vote which he absolutely dominates up to 29, and also dominates with two thirds under 45. Here is a simple and polite way, per bernie's unfortunate political posture, to make an electability argument. the bernie base isn't going to adequately come out for biden, it is as simple as that. it isn't bernie's fault, so-called "liberals" are so goddamn annoying assigning responsibility to someone for other people's choices... the establishment doesn't get that there is a middle finger component on the left as well as the right, and they may learn the hard way this time around (again!). presumably the establishment is so used to ordering people around that it is unfathomable to them that the bernie base can think for itself (one reason to support bernie even if he unfortuantely doesn't know how to fight or doesn't want to). it is a very poor assumption to make that this coronavirus natural disaster is going to harm trump, if anything exactly the opposite, this is the ultimate excuse of excuses which he will thrive on. |
![]() | it is almost if the democratic establishment would rather waste billions of dollars and lose to trump rather than nominate a real agent of change for once in ever. biden siphons off no republicans or actual swing voters and is going to have a very weak turnout of bernie's base because of his immense amount of out in the open policy skeletons, ridiculous generational stances, and more idiotic quotes than perhaps any person in the history of politics. what a slow moving disaster. basically the sanders campaign have changed nothing in the campaign since it was derailed after south carolina. just the usual stump speech and admitting they aren't winning any electability argument (because they haven't tried). campaigns are about critical decisions and critical instances, and this campaign just seems stymied by inaction. if bernie had a better campaign manager and advisors this may have all gone differently. and admittedly if bernie was the killer he could be he should win this primary and win the general, but if he doesn't want to be a killer then I guess the plan is just throw joe into the republican juggernaut and see truly how much steve bannon can depress the vote by november... can faiz and these people turn around this 1% chance ship between this debate and the next few days? seems unlikely, wouldn't mind being miraculously surprised so we don't have to wait four more years for AOC to run against haley. the whole machinery of the democratic establishment is so defunct, no wonder the republicans have a field day in america... |