SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Travel Stars: Kinga Phillips, J.J. Kelley Series Plot: Journalist Kinga Philipps and filmmaker J.J. Kelley investigate the most-fascinating missing person cases on the planet. At each harrowing location, the intrepid explorers speak to locals, witnesses and experts in hard-hitting interrogations. They follow the evidence trail no matter where it goes, putting themselves in heart-pounding situations that test their limits.
EPISODE INFO Title: Invisible Empire Airdate: 2020-02-02 Episode plot: Kinga Philipps and J. J. Kelley journey to Malaysia to solve the case of a long-distance runner who disappeared in 2019. Foul play is suspected, but many locals believe the man vanished into a secret realm ruled by invisible beings.
Um Humm -- Yeah Right .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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