SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Family Stars: Jason Biggs, Maggie Lawson, Connor Kalopsis, Ashley Boettcher, Jack Stanton, Jack Stanton, Oakley Bull, Tisha Campbell, Finesse Mitchell Series Plot: A comedy about a blue-collar couple in Atlantic City trying to get by and raise four kids, three of whom just happen to be certified geniuses.
EPISODE INFO Title: Pilot Airdate: 2020-01-23 Episode plot: For most parents, parenting is hard. But for Kay, a caustic, take-no-prisoners casino pit boss, and husband Mike, a handyman and uncultivated guy's guy, parenting may as well be advanced calculus. Dealing with the demands and egos of three high-IQ children would be tricky for any parent, but it's especially hazardous for two working stiffs who barely got through high school. Mike and Kay are committed to bringing some normalcy to their kids' hectic, unconventional childhoods, but these geniuses don't make it easy.
Worth another look .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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