SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: Criminal Confessions delves into the psychological showdown that transpires inside actual police interrogation rooms between investigators and suspects and dissects what it takes to yield a confession. Each hour-long episode takes viewers through the emotional twists and turns of a real homicide case from the 911 call to the crime scene and leading up to the interrogation room where detectives corner their prime suspect. The police officers and detectives will walk us through their strategy while interviews with the suspects' and victims' friends and family shed light on the heartbreaking details, taking viewers on an emotional journey with the hope of finding justice. In every case, the interrogating officer will "break" the suspect and get a shocking reveal of what led to the atrocious crime.
EPISODE INFO Title: She Never Came Home Airdate: 2019-12-28 Episode plot: When 19-year-old Kenia disappears, her family immediately begins conducting their own investigation to find her. As the police join them in their efforts, they follow alarming leads that cause them to believe Kenia won't be found alive.
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