SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: In the fierce wilderness of Central Alberta, a uniquely versatile group of firefighters risk their lives to serve and protect the residents of isolated areas of the province. Discovery’s latest original Canadian series HELLFIRE HEROES follows two rural Alberta fire departments – Lesser Slave Lake Regional Fire Service and Yellowhead County Fire Department – and their teams of brave men and women whose job is to always be prepared for the worst. Living in a rural part of Canada where most residents depend only on themselves and their neighbours, the firefighters of the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service (led by Chief Jamie Coutts) and the Yellowhead County Fire Department (led by Chief Albert Bahri) serve and protect a combined area spanning more than 30,000 square kilometres. Fighting fires is only one of the many calls these heroes answer. Featuring stories of strength, fearlessness, and dedication, the HELLFIRE HEROES never know what challenge they’ll face next – battling raging forest fires, industrial accidents, search-and-rescue operations, saving lives on remote highways, freeing people trapped in elevators…even delivering babies. When the call comes in, day or night, these resourceful teams are united in their mission to keep residents safe.
EPISODE INFO Title: Ladder Matter Airdate: 2019-11-12 Episode plot: Firefighters fear the driver is still inside a burning semi- in Edson, firefighters use the Jaws of Life to free a driver when his pickup truck flips on black ice- a gas leak in Port Alberni shuts down a city street.
This is filmed in my district .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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