The Purge revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Set in an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated characters living in a small city. As the clock winds down, each character is forced to reckon with their past as they discover how far they will go to survive the night.
SERIES INFO Genre: Action Crime Drama Horror Mini-Series Stars: Gabriel Chavarria , Jessica Garza , Hannah Emily Anderson, Colin Woodell, Amanda Warren, Lili Simmons, William Baldwin, Lee Tergesen, Fiona Dourif, Jessica Miesel Series Plot: In an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, The Purge is a 12-hour period every year when all crime—including murder—is legal. As the clock winds down to the start of this year's Purge, several seemingly unrelated characters in a small city are forced to reckon with their past as they discover how far they will go to survive the night.
EPISODE INFO Title: Happy Holidays Airdate: 2019-11-19 Episode plot: Marcus sinks into darkness. Esme is on the run. Ben returns home. Ryan gets an unexpected visitor.