SERIES INFO Genre: Food Stars: Ted Allen Series Plot: Just like the grown-up version Chopped Junior is hosted by Ted Allen and features a high energy, fast paced cooking competition. Instead of chefs however kids will be competing to turn a selection of everyday ingredients into an extraordinary three-course meal. After each course, a contestant gets "chopped" by our panel of esteemed culinary luminaries until the last boy or girl left standing claims victory.
EPISODE INFO Title: Turkey Day! Hooray! Airdate: 2019-11-12 Episode plot: Turkey-themed baskets keep the kid chefs in the right state of mind as they try to make a meal that guest judge David Dobrik will gobble up, starting with a bucket of turkey meatballs in round one. A rare form of mashed potatoes makes for a hearty hurdle in the entree round, but will the two remaining kids be thankful for or fearful of the dessert goodie in the third basket?
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