An animated series on adult-swim about the infinite adventures of Rick, a genius alcoholic and careless scientist, with his grandson Morty, a 14 year-old anxious boy who is not so smart. Together, they explore the infinite universes; causing mayhem and running into trouble.
SERIES INFO Genre: Adventure Animation Comedy Science-Fiction Stars: Justin Roiland , Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Sarah Chalke, Kari Wahlgren, Dan Harmon, Phil Hendrie, Brandon Johnson, Tom Kenny, Brandon Johnson Series Plot: An animated series that follows the misadventures of an alcoholic scientist Rick and his overly nervous grandson Morty, who split their time between domestic family life and intergalactic travel. Often finding themselves in a heap of trouble that more often than not is created through their own actions.
thanks Webrip..... great funny show. been waiting for this for ages. V09A10 :) keep up the good wokr and keep them coming..
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