SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Graham Norton Series Plot: Each week celebrity guests join Graham Norton to discuss what's being going on around the world that week. The guests poke fun and share their opinions on the main news stories that have happened. Graham is often joined by a band or artist to play the show out with.
EPISODE INFO Title: Helen Mirren, Jack Whitehall, Simon Reeve, RuPaul, Alphabeat Airdate: 2019-09-27 Episode plot: Together on Graham’s sofa tonight are Oscar-winner Dame Helen Mirren, starring in new TV drama Catherine the Great, comedian and actor Jack Whitehall, author, adventurer and documentary-maker Simon Reeve, and the one and only RuPaul, bringing his hit show to the BBC in RuPaul’s Drag Race UK. With music from Danish popsters Alphabeat.
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