SERIES INFO Genre: Food Reality Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Duff Goldman Series Plot: In Food Network’s series Kids Baking Championship, hosts and judges Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli will lead eight talented kid bakers through challenges designed to find the most-impressive and creative young baker. In each challenge the contestants, ranging in age from 10 to 13, will be tested on their baking skills and originality as they whip up delectable desserts, including creative cakes, mouthwatering cookies and pastries.
EPISODE INFO Title: International Intrigue Airdate: 2019-08-26 Episode plot: The six young bakers must fake it to make it as Valerie Bertinelli and Duff Goldman challenge them to create imposters that look like international dishes, such as sushi or shish kebab, but taste like dessert.
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