SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Documentary Drama Stars: - Series Plot: In the online world, you never really know who you're talking to. This series reveals stories of deception and homicide triggered by online interactions. From the black widow wives hiding behind alter-egos to jilted lovers stalking their exes, from obsessive lovers enacting their disturbing fantasies to shocking tales of kidnap, violence and deception - each episode follows stories with jaw-dropping twists and turns as the web of lies is revealed.
EPISODE INFO Title: Exposed Airdate: 2019-08-13 Episode plot: Three girls meet a flirty and friendly guy online, then his demeanor shifts, and he traps the girls in a vicious game they can't escape.
A very disturbing story = What a CREEP .. Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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