SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Crime Drama Stars: Perry Mattfeld, Brooke Markham, Morgan Krantz, Kathleen York, Derek Webster, Keston John, Casey Diedrick Series Plot: An irreverent blind woman, in her twenties, Murphy drifts through life in a drunken haze. She has only two friends—Jess, her understanding roommate, and Tyson, a teenage drug-dealer who saved her from a violent mugging. Out for a walk with her guide dog, Pretzel, she stumbles upon a corpse that must be Tyson's, but it disappears before the police arrive. When they don't seem inclined to investigate, Murphy clings onto the only thing that can keep her together: figuring out what happened to her friend.She resolves to solve the murder herself, while also managing her colorful dating life and the job she hates at "Breaking Blind," a school for guide dogs owned by her overprotective parents
EPISODE INFO Title: The Graduate Airdate: 2019-04-25 Episode plot: Murphy discovers she may not have known Tyson as well as she thought she did. Meanwhile, it's puppy graduation day at Guiding Hope, and one of the foster's is having a hard time letting go.
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