Title: Bionic Battle Mutants
Genre: Indie, RPG, Strategy
Developer: Monkeynetics
Publisher: Monkeynetics
Release Date: 24 Oct, 2017
About This Game
Bionic Battle Mutants is an indie old school turnbased tactical game. Where you can build your own team of cyberneticly enhanced super mutants. Fighting your way through the Deathzone of the outlaw planet Cerberus 7.
System Requirements
OS: 7Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo Prozessor T6500Memory: 4000 MB RAMGraphics: ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 4650Storage: 95 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Might be lower (not tested). Gold maps (which are bigger) might run slow, though.
OS: 7Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790KMemory: 8000 MB RAMGraphics: NVIDEA GeForce GTX 970Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 95 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Runs pretty good.