SERIES INFO Genre: Game Show Reality Stars: - Series Plot: In a spin-off from 'Celebs on the Farm', ten celebrities are sent across the pond to embark on a whole new adventure in the United States, Wild West style, with pistol shooting and lassoing. Setting down in Arizona, the celebs head to a ranch where they must learn how to become cowboys under the watchful eye of Rancher Rick. Early mornings, physical work and tough challenges will push the celebs to their limits as they set out to impress Rick and his team of cowboys to keep their place in the competition and winning the prized horseshoes.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 7 Airdate: 2019-04-09 Episode plot: Siva spends his 30th birthday trekking into the forest on horseback, while Tanya returns from hospital and the celebs construct a 10-person tent without using any instructions.
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