This musical drama revolves around Star, her sister Simone and their friend Alex, three talented young singers who navigate the music business on their road to success in Atlanta, where Star and Simone's long lost godmother Carlotta lives. They'll soon learn that success is not only about the music, but also drama, sacrifice and pain.
SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Amiyah Scott, Quincy Brown, Miss Lawrence, Keke Palmer, Luke James, Michael Michele, Evan Ross, Matthew Noszka, Queen Latifah, Ryan Destiny Series Plot: This musical drama revolves around Star, her sister Simone and their friend Alex, three talented young singers who navigate the music business on their road to success in Atlanta, where Star and Simone's long lost godmother Carlotta lives. They'll soon learn that success is not only about the music, but also drama, sacrifice and pain.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Reckoning Airdate: 2019-04-03 Episode plot: Under Mateo's hand, Gravity Media's finances are in the gutter and the team must pull off a successful ASA party to get back in the game. Carlotta returns and jumps right back into cleaning up everyone's mess. Cassie closes in on Xander and digs into the past, after her father's bombshell. Meanwhile, Simone watches over Star as Noah wrestles with his demons, and Alex and GiGi's rivalry takes a new turn.
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