SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Soap Stars: Sue Nicholls, , Jack P Shepherd, Kate Ford, Daniel Brocklebank , David Neilson, Connor McIntyre, Brooke Vincent, Faye Brookes, Bhavna Limbachia Series Plot: Coronation Street (colloquially known as Corrie, Corro, or The Street) is an award-winning prime time soap opera set and produced in Manchester created by Tony Warren. It is the longest running and most watched soap opera on British television. It was first broadcast on 9 December 1960, made by Granada Television (now ITV Studios) and broadcast in all regions of ITV almost throughout its existence.
EPISODE INFO Title: Monday, 1st April 2019 (Part 1) Monday, 1st April 2019 (Part 2) Airdate: 2019-04-01 2019-04-01 Episode plot: Imran accuses Carla of covering up the truth. Sally thanks Gina for saving Tim's life. Sinead spots a business opportunity at the barber's. Robert forces Carla to come clean during Rana's memorial. Gina finally receives Sally and Tim's forgiveness. A frightening sight meets Chesney's return home.
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