SERIES INFO Genre: Animation Stars: Lally Cadeau, Marla Lukofsky, Ben Sandford, Hadley Kay, Guy Bannerman, Oscar Hsu, Tara Strong, Torquil Campbell Series Plot: Rupert is an animated television series based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, produced by Nelvana, Ellipse Programmé and TVS for the first season, with Scottish Television (now STV Central) taken over control when TVS closed. Aired from 1991 to 1997 with 65 half-hour episodes produced. It was broadcast in syndication on YTV in Canada. In the United States, the show first aired on Nickelodeon before moving to CBS- repeats of the series came to Disney Channel on the Playhouse Disney block, Toon Disney, and on Qubo's digital service in January 2007, until May 2013. The show was broadcast in the UK on CITV and has recently been re-airing on the satellite and cable channels Tiny Pop and KidsCo. In Australia, the show was broadcast on the ABC public broadcasting network and on TV2 in New Zealand as part of the Jason Gunn Show.
EPISODE INFO Title: Rupert and Pong Ping Airdate: 1991-09-07 Episode plot: When Rupert and Pong Ping journey to China, the Emperor's pet dragon becomes jealous of Pong Ping and has him kidnapped by a ferocious fire-breathing relative. Rupert rescues Pong Ping, and seals the friendship between the Emperor and his pet dragon.
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