The British detective drama revolves around DCI Barnaby's efforts to solve numerous murders that take place in the fictional English county of Midsomer. The current lead character is DCI John Barnaby, who is the younger cousin of former lead character DCI Tom Barnaby. The Barnabys have worked with several different sergeants throughout the run of the show, including Sgt Gavin Troy, Sgt Dan Scott, Sgt Ben Jones, Sgt Charlie Nelson and Sgt Jamie Winter.
SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Stars: John Hopkins, John Nettles, Laura Howard, Daniel Casey, Jane Wymark, Barry Jackson , Neil Dudgeon, Jason Hughes, Fiona Dolman, Tamzin Malleson Series Plot: A veteran DCI and his young Sergeant investigate murders around the regional community of Midsomer.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Ghost of Causton Abbey Airdate: 2018-05-13 Episode plot: The ancient Causton Abbey is now a brewery, but the old curse is still active: one person is found boiled to death in one of the vats shortly after a party to launch a new ale.
Many thanks for Series 1 to 13. Rally appreciate it.
After Series 13, the next available ones are Series 19 and 20.
What happened to the ones in between?
Once again, thank you.
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