SERIES INFO Genre: Action Crime Drama Suspense Stars: Scott Foley, Lauren Cohan, Ana Ortiz, Tyler James Williams, Vir Das, Josh Hopkins Series Plot: Following an emotional break-up, FBI agent Will Chase (codename: Whiskey Cavalier) is assigned to work with CIA operative Francesca 'Frankie' Trowbridge (codename: Fiery Tribune). Together, they lead an inter-agency team of spies who periodically save the world—and each other—while navigating the rocky roads of friendship, romance and office politics.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Czech List Airdate: 2019-03-06 Episode plot: The team is sent to Prague for their first official mission where Will has to seduce the widow of a notorious shipping tycoon in order to gain access to a list of criminal clients, but Frankie doubts his ability to deceive a grieving woman. Back in New York, the bureau assigns the team a new liaison, who just so happens to be the last person Will wants to see.