SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Adam Malamut, Craig Malamut, Talia Genevieve, Fred Armisen, Craig Malamut Series Plot: In Universal Basic Guys/The Hoagie Bros., brothers Mark and Hank Hoagies suddenly find themselves with no jobs when the Glantontown Hot Dog factory switches over to automation. Lucky for them, the town started a radical Universal Basic Income pilot program, giving all residents of Glantontown $3,000 per month with no strings attached. Now, Mark, Hank and the rest of their local buddies are once again kids in the summertime, overflowing with the perilous combo of free time and stupid ideas. This is a show about men trying to find purpose in a world where they're no longer needed.
EPISODE INFO Title: Water Ice Shoppe Airdate: 2024-12-29 Episode plot: Mark goes into business with Gary Barry's Water Ice Shoppe, a Glantontown institution, when faced with being deprived of his favorite summer snack during their annual winter closure.